Ohio TechCred Program Open Until March 31st...

The Ohio TechCred Program is open again and we can now help with every part of the process - from training to application assistance to reimbursement!

If your company needs help finding a cyber security training or another eligible training for the Ohio TechCred Program, we are happy to assist tracking down that training and working with you on your application to get that training approved. This program is not a first come, first served program. The acceptance of your application will be based upon need and a points system developed by the state, and applications will need to be submitted by March 31, 2025, for the next round.

What employers are eligible?

Any Ohio registered employer that employs Ohio resident W-2 employees is eligible to apply. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries are encouraged to apply. Only one application will be accepted per company and a request for reimbursement is capped at $30,000 per eligible employer.

What employees will be eligible for training reimbursement?

Current and prospective W-2 employees that are Ohio residents with verifiable Ohio addresses. TechCred relates to your training spend from February 1, 2025 through 12 months from your award date. Applications accepted for this March 2025 round will likely be awarded in April or May 2025.

What trainings are eligible?

  • Short-term training (one year or less, less than 30 credit hours or 900 clock hours),
  • Industry-recognized (significant for your industry) training,
  • Technology-focused trainings are eligible.
  • Training may be provided by private training providers, technical centers, universities, and community colleges.
  • An employer may be reimbursed for tuition, lab fees, manuals, textbooks and certification costs, up to $2,000 per credential.
  • Approved credentials include those received for cyber training, Adobe, AutoCad, CISCO, CIW, CNC Programming, CompTIA, Drone Technology, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Python, Siemens, Web Design trainings... and the list goes on. Run any trainings you have in mind by us to find out if they are on the approved list or can get onto the approved list!

Do you think your company may be eligible to apply and receive reimbursement for trainings based upon the information above? If so, please feel free to comment below or contact Kari Brooke at (513) 675-0848 or kari.brooke@brixeyandmeyer.com to discuss how we can help you with any questions about the Ohio TechCred Program.

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