Changes to The Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program

CHANGES.pngToday we are taking a moment to notify you of a very important change to the Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program. We have been highly successful in obtaining OIWTVP funds for many of our clients. This year, the program is allowing many employers of Automotive and Motor Vehicle Technicians to apply for funds. 

The details are below:

  • Ohio House Bill (“HB”) 64 was amended to allow employers of automotive technicians and motor vehicle technicians to participate in Round 5 of the Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program if the employer otherwise satisfies the requirements for program participation. The application deadline for Round 5 should be announced within the next two months and the submission date is expected to be within the mid-September to mid-October range.
  • An “automotive technician” is defined as an individual who repairs, services, or performs maintenance on motor vehicles or other types of vehicles, including, but not limited to, utility vehicles.
  • Definitions for “vehicle,” “motor vehicle,” and “utility vehicle” are found in Ohio Revised Code Section 4501.01.
  • The Ohio Development Services Agency (“DSA) and Governor are still determining the final rules related to participation for these technicians.
  • There will most likely be specific trainings that will be eligible for technicians. These trainings will most likely not encompass trainings such as Microsoft training or other trainings not generally specific to the job of an automotive or motor vehicle technician. 
  • The DSA may determine what companies are eligible based on NAICS code but the DSA has expressed that it will allow flexibility should a code otherwise eligible not be included on the initial published listing.

Please stay tuned for more updates on this issue and on the new guidelines for Round 5 of the Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program.  If this program is new to you and you would like to learn more, fill out the form below and we will contact you directly.  Or you may contact our State & Local Tax Manager directly at the information below:

Kari Brooke  |  (513) 675-0848 | 

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