“Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusionfor a while.” – Jack Welch
Change can be uncomfortable and expensive. However, change is not nearly as costly as falling behind. Some companies are fine with developing a product and a process that is profitable now and riding it out until they become obsolete. If this is not you, and you want your business to remain relevant and ahead of the curve, change is necessary.
Jack Welch completely revolutionized the way GE was organized. These changes didn’t happen overnight. He not only impacted GE’s structure, but also greatly influenced the way most large corporations are structured today.
If you feel like you or your company is not staying ahead of the competition, take inventory of the way you are operating. What changes, big or small, can you make that will push you forward? Regardless of the discomfort they may cause today, they can certainly make for a brighter future.