Brixey & Meyer Blog

7 Books To Read To Become A Better Leader

Written by Ryan Hawk | Sep 17, 2018 2:30:06 PM

Many podcast listeners/friends have asked me what books they should read to become a better leader. The totality of this list is in the hundreds... But for now, let's start with seven. You'll notice I'm more interested in reading about fascinating stories and the heroes in them than I am about "business" type books. There is so much to learn from real stories and the action taken (and the subsequent consequences of those actions) by the leaders in those stories.

Note** This list will evolve over time...

1. The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey by Candice Millard

Not many people are aware that President Roosevelt was the first to chart and navigate a totally unknown river in the Amazon... And he did that AFTER he was President.

2. Legacy by James Kerr

The simplicity and beauty in which this story is told is inspiring and useful.  

3. The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker

The questions we should ask ourselves on a daily basis: "How can I be more effective?" "If I do this, what am I choosing not to do? Does THIS give me the opportunity to be more effective?"

4. The Wright Brothers by David McCullough

An incredible story of curiosity, determination, and an immense desire to teach the world how to fly.

5. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

This is a non-fiction book written like a beautiful novel. This is a book written by someone who "just did it." And continues to do so...

6. In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters & Robert Waterman

There's a reason this book was checked out of the library more than any other for 17 years! Tom has a no BS approach. Straight, to the point. And always useful.

7. Mastery by Robert Greene

This book will help you better understand  the evolution of mastery: The keys to it.


You can read the full article and more specifics on each book HERE

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